Spiritual Life

Because PCA believes that true college prep is more than just academics, we seek to prepare your child spiritually for college and life. Since we are a Covenantal School, we do this in partnership with you and your church by providing spiritual training consistent with your family and your church. Through Bible classes, chapels, small group and student-led Bible studies, we impart not only knowledge of the Bible, but wisdom on how to apply the principles of Scripture to their lives. We also strongly believe that our students should understand their responsibility to, and develop a passion for, service and missions on a local and international level.
We strive to do all this by:
- Integrating a Biblical worldview in every subject and activity at PCA.
- Surrounding students with like-minded Christian friends and faculty while not isolating them from the world.
- Providing Bible classes and weekly chapels for all students.
- Offering a number of local service projects and mission opportunities.
- Each grade level of our high school goes on an annual mission trip with each trip introducing them to varying cultures and mission work. The capstone trip is an international mission trip for seniors. This trip helps the students realize first-hand the abject needs in different parts of the world and how they, as individuals, can impact the world.
- Each year the senior class at PCA works together to sponsor the annual high school retreat, where all high school students get away to draw closer to God and closer to each other.
As part of our desire to challenge and encourage students to grow spiritually, we have chapel each week at Pantego Christian Academy. We separate the students by grade level so we can tailor each chapel service to meet the age-appropriate spiritual needs of the students.
Moms In Prayer
Moms in Prayer has a long legacy of praying moms who have gathered weekly to pray for PCA students, staff, and school concerns. As part of Moms in Prayer International ministry, PCA has a group of moms that pray for our early childhood (ECA) and elementary as well as a group of moms that pray for our middle school and high school. Moms meet on campus for one hour of focused prayer. Grandmas are welcome to join us also! Come as you are, bring a Bible, and experience the joy of making an eternal investment through prayer.
PCA Gives Back
PCA Gives Back is a day in which all PCA students, from early childhood to elementary to middle school to graduating seniors, give back to the greater Arlington community by performing acts of service throughout the area. PCA Gives Back is an idea hatched by a group of parents as they watched their sons play baseball. They thought it would be a great idea for our school, which has been blessed so much, to give back to our community. It has grown to become a beloved tradition for PCA to shine the light of Jesus in our corner of DFW.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16, ESV)
One of the most significant blessings of being a part of Pantego Christian Academy is the Godly and caring staff that surround all of our students every day. They pour out their lives day by day into the lives of the students, and God uses them to make an eternal impact.
Providing students with an opportunity to implement their faith and academic
training through active service is an integral part of the high school program. At the
conclusion of each year, students in each grade level participate in a class mission
trip. In addition to the Spring mission trips, the entire school participates in a school-
wide day of serving in the local community each fall. Volunteer service is also
encouraged through campus organizations.
9th Grade: Tulsa: 9th-grade students serve with Praying Pelican Ministries and a
local church. In this partnership, students will gain hands-on missional manual labor
experiences in addition to relational missions. Students will also learn about the
cultural diversity of Tulsa and are invited to be part of a renewed effort to heal deep
wounds. We will come together as a community and build up the local Church in
Tulsa to reach across social, economic, racial, and spiritual divides.
10th Grade: New Orleans: The 10th-grade team serves with Mission Lab to
evangelize to and meet the needs of those facing housing scarcity and food
shortage in New Orleans. Highlights of the trip also include the opportunity to learn
about the culture and history of Southern Louisiana.
11th Grade: Memphis: PCA's 11th-grade class goes to Memphis, Tennessee. They
partner with a local church to prepare the facilities for the summer mission teams.
The students also hold backyard Bible clubs and fellowship events for underserved
communities in the greater Memphis area.
12th Grade: Dominican Republic: Students can experience international missions
while partnering with a Christian school in Santiago. In this partnership, students
work with younger students at a school in classrooms and during recreation times.
Additionally, they will serve alongside students their age and minister to the
Santiago community.